Sign up for the upcoming Validation Camp!
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Validation Camp

What's ahead

🤝 You will meet other entrepreneurial students and get advice from mentors,
🎤 You’ll learn how to conduct a conversation with customers and discover their real needs,
🎨 you’ll visualize your solution and learn how to test with customers,
🔍 you will create a validation strategy to test the market’s purchasable demand.

💰 After the event you can also get up to 20 000 CZK for validation and getting your first customers.

5 rules at Validation Camp:

🎓 You are a student or want to support student projects with your skills.
⛔ Alcohol and drugs have no place during the event.
🖖 Amongst us, we are on a first name basis and we are friendly to each other.
🙋‍♀️ If you don’t know something, don’t be afraid to ask.
🙏 Leave your ego at home.

Do our values resonate with you?
Sign up for Camp

💻 Laptop (+ charger)

📱 Phone (+ charger)

📝 Something to write with

👟 Comfortable clothes and shoes

🧠 And most importantly, an open mind!

Join Validation Camp

🚀 Validation Camp will be presented in the overview below. For the detailed programme see the application form.


  • Keynote speaker – we have invited successful founders of a fast-growing startup who started in college to share their valuable experience with you.
  • Presenting ideas – if you have an idea, present it in front of others in one minute and impress your future team.
  • Matchmaking – if you have an idea, present it in front of others in one minute and impress your future team.
  • Lean canvas – you will learn how to put together key areas of the business using the Lean canvas



  • How to ask the right questions – you’ll learn why it’s important to listen to your customers and how to really understand their needs. Hands on as it should be.
  • Prototype creation and testing – you will learn how to visualizse and how to test it in practice among customers.



  • Validation strategy – you will learn how you can systematically go about validating actual demand and create your own validation strategy to get the strongest validation in the market.
  • Final presentation – you will have a unique opportunity to present your progress


Throughout the weekend you will have access to experienced mentors, you can reach out to.

Sign up for Camp

💰 All teams can apply for Validation Money of up to 20.000 CZK to verify the market demand of their business and get first customers.

🧠 We organize monthly Mastermind Calls where you can bring any query you are currently working on in your project.

📚 You will get online training materials and the opportunity to get discounts from partners.

🎤 Invitation to other events, lectures and workshops.

🤲 Opportunity to schedule a consultation with us.


🚀 You will learn how to get your project off the ground and check the demand for your solution.

💡 You'll find smart people to join your team or you may stumble upon a great idea to join.

🙋‍♀️ You will get help from mentors during the event.

💪 It will cost you nothing but your time and effort.

Sign up for Camp


Sign up for Validation Camp

Practical tips and advice