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Our Mentors

During the Validation Campu, you will have the unique opportunity to get on-site and hands-on from mentors among founders and experts.

Přemysl Rubeš – Founder & Managing Partner, Presto Ventures

Přemysl is the founder and head of the Presto Ventures venture capital fund, where he manages investments and works closely with portfolio founders.

Přemysl Rubeš – Founder & Managing Partner, Presto Ventures
Přemysl is the founder and head of the Presto Ventures venture capital fund, where he manages investments and works closely with portfolio founders.

He teaches at universities, mentors in many different programs and helps talented young people develop their talents.

Přemysl studied mathematics at the FJFI CTU in Prague and at the prestigious French Grande Ecole ENSTA – Paris Institute of Technology (ParisTech). He worked, for instance, in revenue management at Air France and at the Amadeus technology giant. After returning to the Czech Republic, he went through the Rockaway investment group. In 2016, he helped FJFI mathematicians launch Yieldigo, a start-up that makes it easier for retail chains to optimize pricing, which also became the first portfolio company of the Presto Ventures fund.

In his spare time, he lectures at STEM universities and helps with science commercialization. He plays the double bass and, in addition to mentoring budding entrepreneurs, he also helps young artists.

The Presto Ventures venture capital fund has been investing in B2B technology start-ups in Central and Eastern Europe since 2016. He has almost 50 companies in his portfolio, including several globally successful ones such as CloudTalk, IP Fabric, Sharry, Oddin and Ready Player Me.

Areas: VC investments, start-ups, talent management and development

Roman Nováček – Partner, Presto Ventures

At Presto, Roman manages investments and focuses primarily on analytics and everything related to finance and planning.

Roman Nováček – Partner, Presto Ventures
At Presto, Roman manages investments and focuses primarily on analytics and everything related to finance and planning.

He holds an international CFA qualification and has been ranked in the prestigious Forbes „30 under 30“.

Roman is an analyst and partner at Presto Ventures and is often referred to by his colleagues as the brains of the fund. He is responsible for valuations, investment analysis, development of start-ups in the portfolio and Presto’s operations in the Baltic countries. His portfolio includes, for instance, the Lithuanian GoRamp, Estonian Ready Player Me and Czech Oddin. In his spare time, Roman is involved in non-profits, is an avid trader on crypto markets and is also a poker player.


Areas: financial analysis, valuation, trading, crypto

Tomáš Oupický – Freelancer

Tomáš has been leading various projects for over 15 years, ranging from physical product development and marketing to projects in the banking and pharma sectors...

Tomáš Oupický – Freelancer
Tomáš has been leading various projects for over 15 years, ranging from physical product development and marketing to projects in the banking and pharma sectors.

He has experienced leading a team working on KYC and AML including systems administration in this area. For 7 years he has been coaching as an ideal tool for development and support of achieving goals. He uses creative tools and hard data from psychodiagnostics. By screening both the individual and the team, it is possible to evaluate the appropriate team assignment and better leverage strengths to achieve the shared vision.

Industry: Events, Identification, authentication, KYC, AML, Software, Other, Coaching & Individual Development

Přemysl Rubeš – Founder & Managing Partner, Presto Ventures
Přemysl is the founder and head of the Presto Ventures venture capital fund, where he manages investments and works closely with portfolio founders.

He teaches at universities, mentors in many different programs and helps talented young people develop their talents.

Přemysl studied mathematics at the FJFI CTU in Prague and at the prestigious French Grande Ecole ENSTA – Paris Institute of Technology (ParisTech). He worked, for instance, in revenue management at Air France and at the Amadeus technology giant. After returning to the Czech Republic, he went through the Rockaway investment group. In 2016, he helped FJFI mathematicians launch Yieldigo, a start-up that makes it easier for retail chains to optimize pricing, which also became the first portfolio company of the Presto Ventures fund.

In his spare time, he lectures at STEM universities and helps with science commercialization. He plays the double bass and, in addition to mentoring budding entrepreneurs, he also helps young artists.

The Presto Ventures venture capital fund has been investing in B2B technology start-ups in Central and Eastern Europe since 2016. He has almost 50 companies in his portfolio, including several globally successful ones such as CloudTalk, IP Fabric, Sharry, Oddin and Ready Player Me.

Areas: VC investments, start-ups, talent management and development

Roman Nováček – Partner, Presto Ventures
At Presto, Roman manages investments and focuses primarily on analytics and everything related to finance and planning.

He holds an international CFA qualification and has been ranked in the prestigious Forbes „30 under 30“.

Roman is an analyst and partner at Presto Ventures and is often referred to by his colleagues as the brains of the fund. He is responsible for valuations, investment analysis, development of start-ups in the portfolio and Presto’s operations in the Baltic countries. His portfolio includes, for instance, the Lithuanian GoRamp, Estonian Ready Player Me and Czech Oddin. In his spare time, Roman is involved in non-profits, is an avid trader on crypto markets and is also a poker player.


Areas: financial analysis, valuation, trading, crypto

Tomáš Oupický – Freelancer
Tomáš has been leading various projects for over 15 years, ranging from physical product development and marketing to projects in the banking and pharma sectors.

He has experienced leading a team working on KYC and AML including systems administration in this area. For 7 years he has been coaching as an ideal tool for development and support of achieving goals. He uses creative tools and hard data from psychodiagnostics. By screening both the individual and the team, it is possible to evaluate the appropriate team assignment and better leverage strengths to achieve the shared vision.

Industry: Events, Identification, authentication, KYC, AML, Software, Other, Coaching & Individual Development

Andrea Bohačíková – CEO M.arter

Andrea má přes 12 let zkušeností s obchodní strategií, byznys developmentem a prodejem v rámci komoditního a mezinárodního obchodu (B2B).

Andrea Bohačíková – CEO M.arter
Andrea má přes 12 let zkušeností s obchodní strategií, byznys developmentem a prodejem v rámci komoditního a mezinárodního obchodu (B2B).

Aktuálně zastává pozici CEO&Founder M.arter: vzdělávací a networkingová platforma pro ženy i muže na rodičovské dovolené (B2C/B2B). Dále je spoluzakladatelka informativní a networkingové platformy Jaké chceš Česko? (7 700+ odběratelů na YouTube). Freedompreneur of the Year 2019 – Central European Startup Awards, Alumni Social Impact Award & Leadership Academy (pod záštitou US Embassy). Mentorka a konzultantka startupů, jednotlivců i neziskových organizací, kterým pomáhá v dalším růstu. Má nadšení pro inovace, tvorbu komunit, marketing a leadership.

Oblasti: Advertising, marketing, media, Content creation, Edutech, Events, HR, Lifestyle, Sales, Social entrepreneurship,

Jakub Mynařík – CEO Dayswaps

Jakub před založením startupu pracoval ve Storyous (growth 7 až 2000 zákazníků),

Jakub Mynařík – CEO Dayswaps
Jakub před založením startupu pracoval ve Storyous (growth 7 až 2000 zákazníků),

Jakub před založením startupu pracoval ve Storyous (growth 7 až 2000 zákazníků), poté  si prošel X startupy a Slevomatem (prodej Secret Escapes) až  si řekl, že bude skvělý šéf a chce mít svoji firmu, o které  5 let přemýšlel.

Jak z ničeho udělat něco – Niche market a jak uspět – Jak být v klidu i když všechno nejde podle představ

Oblasti: HR, Process optimization, Sales, SMB productivity, Software, Funding, nastavení procesu od sales/support do vývoje

David Kovalský – Mentor

Po prodeji vlastních startupů se zaměřením na FinTech pracuje David se zakladateli a majiteli firem s globálním potenciálem. Specializuje se na strategii, lean ...

David Kovalský – Mentor
Po prodeji vlastních startupů se zaměřením na FinTech pracuje David se zakladateli a majiteli firem s globálním potenciálem. Specializuje se na strategii, lean metodologie a předávání zkušenosti z vlastních fuckupů. V investiční oblasti funguje jako zesilovač: zesiluje signál a potlačuje šum.

David působí jako Mentor specializující se na strategické řízení firmy a financí. David během posledních 6 let vybudoval několik společností v oblasti mobilních aplikací a integrace systémů. Tyto zkušenosti předává dál v té nejsyrovější podobě a bez obalu. Od roku 2014 jeho klienti dosáhli na investice ve výši desítek milionů korun rizikového kapitálu. Podle Davida každé rozhodnutí a každý výsledek hraje ve prospěch dosažení stanoveného cíle, pokud se správně uchopí. Má ráději když se využívá silných stránek týmu a minima energie, než když se společnosti trápí opačným přístupem.

Oblasti: Analytics, business intelligence, data, E-commerce, Edutech, Fintech, insurtech, Hardware, HR, IoT, Market places, Process optimization, Sales, Social entrepreneurship, Software, Transport

Andrea Bohačíková – CEO M.arter
Andrea má přes 12 let zkušeností s obchodní strategií, byznys developmentem a prodejem v rámci komoditního a mezinárodního obchodu (B2B).

Aktuálně zastává pozici CEO&Founder M.arter: vzdělávací a networkingová platforma pro ženy i muže na rodičovské dovolené (B2C/B2B). Dále je spoluzakladatelka informativní a networkingové platformy Jaké chceš Česko? (7 700+ odběratelů na YouTube). Freedompreneur of the Year 2019 – Central European Startup Awards, Alumni Social Impact Award & Leadership Academy (pod záštitou US Embassy). Mentorka a konzultantka startupů, jednotlivců i neziskových organizací, kterým pomáhá v dalším růstu. Má nadšení pro inovace, tvorbu komunit, marketing a leadership.

Oblasti: Advertising, marketing, media, Content creation, Edutech, Events, HR, Lifestyle, Sales, Social entrepreneurship,

Jakub Mynařík – CEO Dayswaps
Jakub před založením startupu pracoval ve Storyous (growth 7 až 2000 zákazníků),

Jakub před založením startupu pracoval ve Storyous (growth 7 až 2000 zákazníků), poté  si prošel X startupy a Slevomatem (prodej Secret Escapes) až  si řekl, že bude skvělý šéf a chce mít svoji firmu, o které  5 let přemýšlel.

Jak z ničeho udělat něco – Niche market a jak uspět – Jak být v klidu i když všechno nejde podle představ

Oblasti: HR, Process optimization, Sales, SMB productivity, Software, Funding, nastavení procesu od sales/support do vývoje

David Kovalský – Mentor
Po prodeji vlastních startupů se zaměřením na FinTech pracuje David se zakladateli a majiteli firem s globálním potenciálem. Specializuje se na strategii, lean metodologie a předávání zkušenosti z vlastních fuckupů. V investiční oblasti funguje jako zesilovač: zesiluje signál a potlačuje šum.

David působí jako Mentor specializující se na strategické řízení firmy a financí. David během posledních 6 let vybudoval několik společností v oblasti mobilních aplikací a integrace systémů. Tyto zkušenosti předává dál v té nejsyrovější podobě a bez obalu. Od roku 2014 jeho klienti dosáhli na investice ve výši desítek milionů korun rizikového kapitálu. Podle Davida každé rozhodnutí a každý výsledek hraje ve prospěch dosažení stanoveného cíle, pokud se správně uchopí. Má ráději když se využívá silných stránek týmu a minima energie, než když se společnosti trápí opačným přístupem.

Oblasti: Analytics, business intelligence, data, E-commerce, Edutech, Fintech, insurtech, Hardware, HR, IoT, Market places, Process optimization, Sales, Social entrepreneurship, Software, Transport

Nina Bočková – Economist

In the past she was a Sales manager in Procter & Gamble, co-founded BOČEK CZ, s.r.o. – production and distribution of products for infants and children.

Nina Bočková – Economist
In the past she was a Sales manager in Procter & Gamble, co-founded BOČEK CZ, s.r.o. – production and distribution of products for infants and children.

She mentors start-ups and teaches at universities – Department of Entrepreneurship at VŠE (University of Economics) in Prague; Department of Economics at the Faculty of Business and Management in Brno. She has experience in both B2B and B2C markets with most of her experience being in sales, data analytics, business intelligence, horeca, manufacturing and real-estate.

Fields: sales, production and business intelligence.


Jiří Štěpán – Mentor

Works as a consultant for Technologické centrum Hradec Králové (Hradec Králové Technology Centre) and also a mentor for Agentura pro podporu podnikání CzechInve...

Jiří Štěpán – Mentor
Works as a consultant for Technologické centrum Hradec Králové (Hradec Králové Technology Centre) and also a mentor for Agentura pro podporu podnikání CzechInvest (Business and Investment Development Agency), Laboratoř Nadace Vodafone (Vodafone Foundation Lab) and many others.

He has been active in the start-up and entrepreneurial world for 10 years. He founded the first co-working centre in Hradec Králové and built a start-up community.

In the past he was also active in the environment of Microsoft Innovation Center, mastering Lean Startup Machine methods. He participated at courses such as Microsoft Innovation Cycle, Google Design Thinking and, last but not least, holds a certificate in‘‘Coaching for solutions’’ approved by the Coaching Federation. He passes his knowledge further as a lecturer of courses (e.g. at the University of Hradec Králové) to beginning entrepreneurs.

Field: marketplaces, process optimisation, sales, social entrepreneurship, B2B2C.

Petr Tomášek – Business management

Has worked in ČSOB since 2001. He started his career as a corporate banker and subsequently became head of the Corporate Banking branch.

Petr Tomášek – Business management
Has worked in ČSOB since 2001. He started his career as a corporate banker and subsequently became head of the Corporate Banking branch.

He is currently a regional director in ČSOB for corporate banking. His work focuses on products and services for corporate and business clients. He graduated from Vysoké učení technické v Brně (Brno University of Technology) specialising in economics and industrial management. He remains in contact with universities through his lectures on banking.

Industry: B2B, distribution, fintech, sales,SMB productivity.

Nina Bočková – Economist
In the past she was a Sales manager in Procter & Gamble, co-founded BOČEK CZ, s.r.o. – production and distribution of products for infants and children.

She mentors start-ups and teaches at universities – Department of Entrepreneurship at VŠE (University of Economics) in Prague; Department of Economics at the Faculty of Business and Management in Brno. She has experience in both B2B and B2C markets with most of her experience being in sales, data analytics, business intelligence, horeca, manufacturing and real-estate.

Fields: sales, production and business intelligence.


Jiří Štěpán – Mentor
Works as a consultant for Technologické centrum Hradec Králové (Hradec Králové Technology Centre) and also a mentor for Agentura pro podporu podnikání CzechInvest (Business and Investment Development Agency), Laboratoř Nadace Vodafone (Vodafone Foundation Lab) and many others.

He has been active in the start-up and entrepreneurial world for 10 years. He founded the first co-working centre in Hradec Králové and built a start-up community.

In the past he was also active in the environment of Microsoft Innovation Center, mastering Lean Startup Machine methods. He participated at courses such as Microsoft Innovation Cycle, Google Design Thinking and, last but not least, holds a certificate in‘‘Coaching for solutions’’ approved by the Coaching Federation. He passes his knowledge further as a lecturer of courses (e.g. at the University of Hradec Králové) to beginning entrepreneurs.

Field: marketplaces, process optimisation, sales, social entrepreneurship, B2B2C.

Petr Tomášek – Business management
Has worked in ČSOB since 2001. He started his career as a corporate banker and subsequently became head of the Corporate Banking branch.

He is currently a regional director in ČSOB for corporate banking. His work focuses on products and services for corporate and business clients. He graduated from Vysoké učení technické v Brně (Brno University of Technology) specialising in economics and industrial management. He remains in contact with universities through his lectures on banking.

Industry: B2B, distribution, fintech, sales,SMB productivity.

Pavlína Žukovská – Tax advisor

I help start-ups understand and learn how to deal with the related bureaucracy regarding business. Taxes and accounting are not just dirty words, but a system t...

Pavlína Žukovská – Tax advisor
I help start-ups understand and learn how to deal with the related bureaucracy regarding business. Taxes and accounting are not just dirty words, but a system that can be well used in business.

Industry: Legal tax, financial management.

Aleš Pospíšil – B2B expert

Senior manager with more than 20 years of experience in FMCG and banking in sales management, distribution and marketing for SMEs and retail clients.

Aleš Pospíšil – B2B expert
Senior manager with more than 20 years of experience in FMCG and banking in sales management, distribution and marketing for SMEs and retail clients.

Experience in international corporations, three years of work experience abroad, member of senior management. With ten years of experience in business management and financing of small and medium-sized companies, he has a very good knowledge of the issues these companies face in various fields of activity.

Fields: analytics, business intelligence, data, distribution, food, agriculture, logistics, manufacturing, market places, process optimisation, sales.

Pavlína Žukovská – Tax advisor
I help start-ups understand and learn how to deal with the related bureaucracy regarding business. Taxes and accounting are not just dirty words, but a system that can be well used in business.

Industry: Legal tax, financial management.

Aleš Pospíšil – B2B expert
Senior manager with more than 20 years of experience in FMCG and banking in sales management, distribution and marketing for SMEs and retail clients.

Experience in international corporations, three years of work experience abroad, member of senior management. With ten years of experience in business management and financing of small and medium-sized companies, he has a very good knowledge of the issues these companies face in various fields of activity.

Fields: analytics, business intelligence, data, distribution, food, agriculture, logistics, manufacturing, market places, process optimisation, sales.


Don’t keep your hard-won experience to yourself.

Start-ups bring fresh ideas into your professional life.

Get involved in a dynamic and creative start-up environment.

Be the first to know about new products, trends and visions.

You will meet a lot of interesting people.


01. Fill out application and we'll call you back to soak up what didn't fit on the lines.

02. We will send you a short mentoring contract.

03. We will connect you with relevant start-ups that need your support.

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